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Trackside Science

Just what you've been searching for: two nerds drinking and talking about science!  If you like what you hear, rate us on your Tricorder, iTunes, Spotify, Sticher or whatever other electricomagical-ray receiving device you use.  If you want to support the show with a buck a month, visit our Patreon page.  Send us an email at, we'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for listening!

May 26, 2018

Rob & Jeff talk about the paths they followed into science and to their Bachelor's degrees.  Scuba diving in the Florida Keys (he counted them) and commercial fishing in Alaska (I killed them). 

Original Cosmos with Carl Sagan on Youtube

Updated Cosmos with Neil Degrasee Tyson at National Geographic

Yes Jeff, Joni Mitchell did sing it before CS said it (here)

The NOAA diving program (here)


National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science