Sep 26, 2018
Who knew? Golly, they sounded so dignified and smart back then huh?
Sound credits (all from
polite_applause_01.wav by joedeshon
chair scrape.aif by mredig
gavel-double.flac by zerolagtime
Heavy Door Pounding.wav by mrh4hn
Floor_trading2.wav by touchassembly
Shhhh_ses2.wav by freesound
door - open 01.wav...
Sep 22, 2018
Intrigue at the post Board of Health Meeting discussion: a dangerous virus is a-foot and Dr Salmon wants to kill 'em all. Rob channels Rich Little and Jeff just tries to keep up.
1903 Journal of the Mass. Board of Health from Google Books here
Great history of the history of the outbreak I found after we recorded (
Sep 7, 2018
The Coming Plague catalyzes both of our decisions to go to graduate school. We pull out our dissertations and compare sizes. Rob describes unstable sequences associated with colon cancers. Jeff describes an adenovirus promoter. We were experts. #glorydays