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Trackside Science

Just what you've been searching for: two nerds drinking and talking about science!  If you like what you hear, rate us on your Tricorder, iTunes, Spotify, Sticher or whatever other electricomagical-ray receiving device you use.  If you want to support the show with a buck a month, visit our Patreon page.  Send us an email at, we'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for listening!

Nov 20, 2023

Is it a Promethean kind of thing?  An end of the world thing?  It’s definitely a protecting people with Fecal Incontinence kind of thing.  It’s definitely not able to cite it’s sources.


Instagram: Tracksidescience



Rob - Be Hoppy Indian Pale Ale Wormtown Brewery Worcester, Mass

Jeff - Gates of Smordor Stout Westbrook Brewing Mount Pleasant South Carolina

Sounds & Music

Spike Jones - The Tennessee Waltz

Pastabra - Squeaky office chair

MATRIXXX - Door, Closing.wav

Rear bumper: Freight Train Crossing.wav by Sailor55 ( & Night Train, The Mad Caps (1952,