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Trackside Science

Just what you've been searching for: two nerds drinking and talking about science!  If you like what you hear, rate us on your Tricorder, iTunes, Spotify, Sticher or whatever other electricomagical-ray receiving device you use.  If you want to support the show with a buck a month, visit our Patreon page.  Send us an email at, we'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for listening!

Jun 15, 2018

Tolkien move aside, now we have a trilogy too.  We talk about our science heros and the influential people in our science lives. And: a short bonus discussion of the potty talk in  Ready Player One!

Rob’s Heros

Carl Sagan

Marty Crouch

Marlin Perkins & Jim (Wild Kingdom)

Stephen J Gould

NASA Astronauts

Museums docents

(Museum docents training programs)


Jeff’s Heros

Marie Tharp

Antoine van Leeuwenhoek

Ignaz Semelweis

Henrietta Lacks

(Howard Jones - the doctor who first cultured her cells)

Rosalind Franklin

Rob’s influences

Mr Effinger & Dr Saxman

Dr. Eddie Srour & Dr. Christie Traycoff

Tom Prior & Jim Waldman

Jeff’s influences

Dad & Mr Fernandez

Brad and Sue

Linda & Jerry Boss