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Trackside Science

Just what you've been searching for: two nerds drinking and talking about science!  If you like what you hear, rate us on your Tricorder, iTunes, Spotify, Sticher or whatever other electricomagical-ray receiving device you use.  If you want to support the show with a buck a month, visit our Patreon page.  Send us an email at, we'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for listening!

Dec 26, 2019


Twitter: @TracksideScien1

Instagram: Tracksidescience


Map of rabbits in Australia (here)


Kookaburra.wav by pocket

Laughing Kookaburra.wav by ERH

DIDGERIDOO 05.wav by sandyrb

Spinifex Wind #1 by kangaroovindaloo

Desert at Night by kangaroovindaloo

Bullroarer by Sonic-ranger

Pirate Ship at Bay.wav by CGEffex

Land_Ho by AnnB

Vintage Ambience 1 (Red Lib) » R09-21-Western Town General Movement.wav by craigsmith

2 Horse Carriage by Leo153

clearing throat.mp3 by fless005

G52-07-Horse Drawn Carriage.wav by craigsmith

The Wild Wild West ( No music) by craigsmith

Happy.wav by TheOmegaPixel

Popcorn_revisited_munching.wav by digifishmusic

Far Away City Traffic Ambience by Dpoggioli

00695 men crowd 1.wav by Robinhood76

horse's whinny by Kubuzz

aboiements.mp3 by Pierre Grandjean


typewriter22.ogg by tams_kp

Loop-Copy-Mutate » 1 strijken-p1-p1.aif by heumo

car horn 20.3.11.wav by toiletrolltube


horn stolen from the best movie ever (here)

End music: The Happy Monster by Chubby Jackson and his Orchestra (


Selected References:

Description of the release of myxomavirus:

Ratcliffe et al 1952 Nature

Myxomavirus general and evolution:

Fenner's Veterinary Virology 4th ed

Rivers TM 1930 J. Exp Med 1 June » 51 (6): 965 INFECTIOUS MYXOMATOSIS OF RABBITS

Kerr et al Myxoma Virus and the Leporipoxviruses: An Evolutionary Paradigm. Viruses 2015, 7, 1020-1061

Wang et al Nature Imm 2004 Disruption of Erk-dependent type I interferon induction breaks the myxoma virus species barrier

Wolfe et al 2018 J Virol Myxoma Virus M083 Is a Virulence Factor Which Mediates Systemic Dissemination

Condit, RC on The Red Queen meets the White Rabbit. (#457, 2017, September 3) This Week in Virology

Rabbits in Australia:

Coman, B (1999). Tooth & Nail – the story of the rabbit in Australia. Text Publishing Company: Melbourne.

Shepherd and Edmonds. The Victorian Naturalist v113 1996 page 98

Tomlinson, A. R. and Gooding, C. D., "THE ORGANISATION OF RABBIT CONTROL (Oryctolagus cuniculus) IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA" (1970). Proceedings of the 4th Vertebrate Pest Conference (1970). 39. 1970

Stead DG. The Rabbit Menace in New South Wales, Dept of Agriculture, NSW 1925

Lange & Graham 1983 Australian Journal of Ecology

Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 2010, 29 (1), 103-111 Deliberate introduction of the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, into Australia

Art and Architecture, mainly. (2011, January 21) [Blog post] Retrieved from:

Annual report of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria : with the addresses delivered at the annual meeting of the Society... 1st-7th (1862-1871). (link to Biodiversity Heritage Library)