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Trackside Science

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Feb 1, 2020

How serious is the nCoV-2019 outbreak?  Will it spread much outside of China? Why does Jeff think he can DIY a clinical diagnostic lab?  Why can’t we drink and think?.



Twitter: @TracksideScien1

Instagram: Tracksidescience



Corona Familiar

Riverhorse Hippos Hand Citrusey Double India Pale Ale


Johns Hopkins CSSE nCoV-2019 Coronavirus Map

Centers for Disease Control US case count

Lancet paper with first description of transfer in China within a cluster (here)

Lancet paper with first clinical description of nCoV-2019 disease symptoms (here)

European CDC Jan 31 nCoV-2019 risk assessment (here)

Bat’s tolerating viruses (here)


Night Train, The Mad Caps (1952),