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Trackside Science

Just what you've been searching for: two nerds drinking and talking about science!  If you like what you hear, rate us on your Tricorder, iTunes, Spotify, Sticher or whatever other electricomagical-ray receiving device you use.  If you want to support the show with a buck a month, visit our Patreon page.  Send us an email at, we'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for listening!

May 23, 2020


Twitter: @TracksideScien1

Instagram: Tracksidescience



Muniesa et al Microb Biotechnol. 2011 Nov; 4(6): 725–734.

Carlton et al (Loessner) 2005 Reg. Tox. & Pharm

Loessner 1991 App & Env Micro

Zink & Loessner 1992 App & Env Micro

Sounds (all from

Freaky Dance Virus 02.wav by Sepal

00311 crank winch handle 1.wav by Robinhood76

Running Water by harrybates01

Car key inserted into ignition by partykus2

Homemade hydraulic hoist.aif by FPJ666

Plywood_Prying_01.wav by dheming

disconcerting 0N_55mi by Setuniman

Explosion by Iwiploppenisse

Hope by tictac9